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1. Sanjaya Speaking to king Dhritarashtra 1a
2. Krishna Speaking the Bhagwad-gita to Arjun 1b
3. Maha Vishnu Emanating the material universe 2a
4. Lord Brahma in the process of creation 2b
5. The two birds, the super soul and the individual soul 3a
6. The incarnations of the lord 3b
7. Ashtanga yogi 4a
8. Mother Yashoda with Lord Krishna 4b
9. Krishna shows mother Yashoda the entire creation in His mouth 5a
10. Lord Krishna, the butter thief 5b
11. Krishna and Balarama wrestling in the arena of king Kamsa 6a
12. Krishna Killing Kamsa 6b
13. Lord Hayagriva returning the Vedas to Lord Brahma 7a
14. Lord Vamanadeva at His sacred thread ceremony 7b
15. Lord Krishna and the fruit vendor 8a
16. Lord krishna being welcomed by the Vrindavan peacocks 8b
17. Lord Krishna drives Arjuna amidst armies in the bettlefiled of Kurukshetra 9a
18. Lord Krishna and his most surrendered devotees, gopis 9b
19. The cycle of birth and death in 8400000 species of life 10a
20. Radha and Krishna accompanied by the Asta-sakhi 10b

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